how much does a yoga teacher training cost?

There is so much online regarding a yoga instructor course to choose from. My experience of teaching the teachers how to teach yoga has been a long but joyfilled journey for me. The pandemic forced me to seek another way by creating an online course. Self education, learning from home, self paced on your own timeline is a phenomenon which was fuelled by the pandemic. The world is full of very successful business owner’s whom are self taught, who did not opt for traditional education, found their own way and became truly successful, billionaires even!

So the Yoga world is no different. The many Yoga Journal articles, Yoga blogs show us these de facto yoga teachers, all self taught, way before the organised Yoga Alliance began in the eighties.Which brings me to the deep knowing that Yoga can be learnt in a self paced way with the wonderful GOD called technology making everything quicker faster more efficient and now in Yoga Teacher Training more affordable.

A Most basic 200 hour training courses cost around €3000, in person. Yes that is quite a chunk of change! Online yoga teacher training course can be half that investment with all the benefits of replay the tutorials, download the audio listen many times to the lectures and much more. So, I feel my Yoga Teacher Training online is a condensed version of all my 16 years of teacher training in the form of PDF’s audible clips, videos, downloadable books designed especially for the course , beautifully interactive, is such a up level bonus to the training for any seeker who may be searching for a deep dive into Yoga and comes complete with a well established guide (me) rich in wisdom and quality training foundational course.Back to answer the question above , how much should a Yoga Teacher Training Course cost …this offers an option and space of affordability in the yoga teacher training world, making yoga more inclusive and reaching more people for example ,who cannot drive or afford the weekends the travel time to attend an in person.It offers an opportunity to create ones own sacred space and to take your device outdoors whilst practicing or listening. May I add it was so lovingly built out and from the great reviews that energy flows right through the course.

Check out the summer offer in link below!


Another Teacher Training Opportunity…


Why teacher train online with me?